Friday, January 23, 2009

Yoga Mat Bag pics and the Winky-Wonky Scarf

Today I managed to photograph the yoga mat bag for the first time. I really like the simple pattern and the peaceful earth tones of this bag. It also came out just the right size to fit my yoga mat.

I also started on a scarf that was inspired by my Wednesday afternoon Open Knit class. We were working on a round dishcloth that is knitted in eight wedges, and then the cast-on edge is joined to the ending edge to produce a circular dishcloth, like this:

At one point there was some confusion about the short row technique used to create the wedges, and I explained that it was important to always make sure that the unworked stitches are on the same edge of the knitting. "Otherwise," I said, "you'll end up with your knitting all winky-wonky like a zigzag scarf."

And so the winky-wonky scarf was born. Here's a shot of the work in progress:

It's worked in worsted acrylic on size 10 1/2 needles and measures approximately five inches wide. Ideally I'd use slightly heavier yarn and bigger needles to make it a little bit wider, but I'm committed to using yarn I already had on hand as my goal for January is to make it through the entire month without buying any yarn. The pattern is very simple - I just worked the circular dishcloth pattern skipping the last row of the wedge, which puts the short side of the wedge on alternating sides of the scarf. It's a good "mindless knitting" project that I'll take along tomorrow when we have a long car ride.

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