Sunday, January 18, 2009

Happy Birthday to my Mom!

....without whom I would not be the knitlady. When I was very young and played with baby dolls and Barbies, my mom knitted lots of doll clothes because the store bought doll clothes were very expensive and not well made. When I was nine years old, she taught me to knit. My first "big" project was a robin blue cardigan which I finished before I was ten. I've been knitting off and on ever since.

When my kids were small I didn't have as much time to knit as I have now, so a lot of the special knitted things my kids wore came from their Grandma Nancy. Now my grandson is happily wearing a blue hat with a yellow smiley face and a pair of blue mittens that his daddy wore when he was little.

When my daughter was seven, she wanted to knit, and I was delighted to teach her. She knitted off and on for several years but pretty much gave up knitting when she went off to college and had to fit work as well as study time into her busy schedule. I hope that she will be inspired to pick up her needles again sometime and rediscover the pleasure and relaxation that come from this awesome craft. And so it passes through the generations....

Happy Birthday, Mom! And thank you for the wonderful gift you gave me those many years ago when you patiently taught me to knit, purl, increase, decrease, cast on, and bind off!

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