Sunday, March 8, 2009

The (Dark) Dawn of DST

So once again we lose an hour of sleep in order to make the politicians happy. Unfortunately by the time we get it back in the fall my sleep deficit has multiplied to the point where I really need that hour returned with interest. I'm not as young as I used to be, and I really don't need to have my body clock biannually readjusted (or maladjusted!). Studies have shown that the incidence of heart attacks, work accidents, and other unfortunate occurrences are increased by as much as 5% in the days immediately following the spring time change. And to what purpose, really?? Daylight Savings Time makes about as much sense to me as cutting ten inches off the bottom of your blanket and sewing it onto the top because your blanket is too short. In the end, we all only have 24 hours in a day no matter how it's configured, and that's never really enough time. Bottom line, I don't really care whether we stay on Daylight time or go back to Standard time, but let's please just pick one and stick with it! Enough already!

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