Saturday, October 17, 2009

An Interesting Prayer Shawl Experience

A couple of months ago when I was buying yarn at the Litchfield Wal-Mart (our local one doesn't have yarn) I was led to pick up a couple of skeins of a pretty rose colored yarn for a prayer shawl. I understood that it was for someone fairly young and recently widowed but couldn't really think of anyone who fit that description at the time.

In mid-August, my cousin Rose's husband died fairly unexpectedly at the age of 56. At that point I realized who the shawl was to be for, and so I was able to direct my prayers specifically for her as I knitted the shawl. It has been finished and sitting on my piano for a couple of weeks now and I was wondering how I would get it to Rose, since I don't see her on a regular basis - usually just at family reunions once or twice a year.

Soooo..............this morning I was packing up my knitting bag and some last-minute items to take with me to a craft fair that I'm doing about 35 miles away from home, and heard a little voice saying "take the shawl with you." I raised my eyebrows, shrugged my shoulders, and packed the shawl into one of the gift bags I use to present the shawls. After I arrived at the show I was fairly busy with sales for a while and then there was a lull. I straightened some things on my table and when I looked up, there was Rose standing right in front of me! I gave her the shawl and we chatted for a while before she left.

Later as I thought about the experience there were two things that stood out to me: first, that I wish I knew how to always be that "tuned in"; and second, I wonder why I was so surprised that things worked out that way?

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