Friday, December 5, 2008

Knitting Class

Last month after I spent some time helping a friend with her knitting on a couple of afternoons (she had knitted previously but needed some help with a new project) she finally was able to convince me that I should offer some knitting classes. I printed a flyer describing two classes that I would offer; Knitting 101 would be a basic beginner class and Open Knit would be a class for people who had some experience with knitting but needed extra help with a specific pattern or project.

I emailed friends and plastered flyers around town, and ended up with -- ONE student! So she and I went through three weeks of Knitting 101 and simply had a blast. I had stated that the beginning class would cover casting on, knitting, purling, and binding off, but at the end of the third session my student was also increasing (knit in front and back), decreasing (knit 2 together), and yarning over. She said that she really enjoyed the class (as did I) and we are already making plans for another series of classes in January. I'm hoping that I'll be able to have more than one student per class for the next round.

We're also planning a "class field trip" to Enticements for the end of January (and maybe a few other stores in the area). She didn't realize that there was a yarn store in Decatur, even though her parents live there, but I read about Enticements in another friend's blog here. I'm hoping that my other friend who got me started teaching will also be able to go on the trip.

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