Friday, January 18, 2013


And so it is that we come to the end of yet another crazy busy week in a long line of equally crazy busy weeks, all parading along at an alarmingly swift pace, leaving huge piles of stress in their wakes; more doctor appointments and evaluations for daycare baby, hoping to find a reason for the ongoing issues; family members experiencing medical issues of varying severity; committee cohorts expecting more in the way of time/talent/availability than I'm remotely in a position to provide; and a to-do list that seems to erupt exponentially if I so much as blink in that general direction........and life is crazy, hectic, almost unbearably overwhelming.

But - hooray! - it is finally Friday evening! Daycare baby has gone home to her own family, the diaper pail is emptied, baby bottles rinsed and loaded into the dishwasher, miscellaneous items of infant paraphernalia stashed away for the weekend, dinner prepared and enjoyed, and finally I sit quietly, wrapped in a warm knitted shawl, relaxed in my favorite chair, alone, knitting, knitting, knitting......

Tonight I'm making a tuck scarf, where one end will tuck into the other to secure the scarf in place. It's a very simple project, chosen as a way to help reduce my excessive yarn stash, requiring little in the way of counting or attention to detail. As I knit I am struck by the incredible gorgeous beauty of the yarn colors I'm working with: a melange of pink, rose, orchid, purple, mauve, coral, gold, all blended into the beautiful shades of a misty spring sunrise. It's not often that I have the opportunity to watch the stitches flow onto the needle and the colors flowing softly into one another forming the most beautiful scarf. I knit on, mesmerized at the glorious loveliness of these colors together, and gradually allow the peace and contentment and promise of a fresh start to saturate and rejuvenate my entire being.

And finally the scarf is finished - knitting completed, yarn ends woven in. I tuck one end of the scarf into the other, hold it up and admire the colors once again. And I smile, calm and content.

1 comment:

quiltma said...

You described the colors wonderfully.