Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Party Animal!

I celebrated my birthday last Saturday (and THIS year I got to really celebrate, unlike last year). Of course I'm turning into a real party animal now -- I partied four days in a row! On Friday night Mike took me to Knit Wits in Springfield, where he purchased a pair of sock blockers for me as my birthday gift. After a couple other stops we drove further north to Sherman and had dinner at Cancun. A wonderful evening was enjoyed by both of us, and we even made it home at a (semi) reasonable hour.

On Saturday (my actual birthday) I was delighted to attend "Love and Chocolate" held in Blackburn's Bothwell Auditorium. The show was a delightful mix of love songs from different eras and genres, and the fact that I knew several of the performers only enhanced the enjoyment. The tickets to this show were a birthday gift from two of my dear neighbors.

On Sunday afternoon, three of my four kids, my parents, son-in-law, grandson, and his mommy all gathered here for dinner and to celebrate my birthday and Jeremy's. Mike made Italian beef in the crcokpot, Sara made pasta salad, and bought the rest of the groceries. She also baked the cake AND put trick candles on it! We had a marvelous time celebrating family and togetherness.

On Monday morning my friend Sue hosted the "yoga sisters" at her house to celebrate my birthday. She baked a luscious carrot cake and spoiled us with a choice of a warm cider drink and various teas. I received an assortment of lovely gifts from my very special yoga sisters.

I think I'm about partied out though. I can't remember any other time in my life when I've had four days of partying in a row. Maybe things will be peaceful and quiet for a few days (and maybe I can remember how to act when that happens).

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