Over the past few years, I’ve accumulated several wristbands
which stay on my wrist virtually 24/7.
The first one, a white one with the Nike swoosh and the word “dream”
came from a Presbytery meeting which I attended with my then-pastor, Jeff
Johnson. I wear it to remind me of the things I learned that day and of God’s
guidance in my life. The second band is bright green, with the words “soy”,
“rice”, “veggie”, and “chicken”, and came from a packing event for the charity
group “Kids Against Hunger” where we packed balanced, easily prepared meals to
be shipped to areas in our country and the world where hunger is prevalent. The
four words comprise the “recipe” of the meals we packed in sealed bags which
are prepared by adding water and boiling for 20 minutes. The third band is
pink, with the word “hope” on the side, and represents breast cancer awareness.
The fourth band is purple and reads “gotta have faith”. I received this one
shortly after my grandson’s first grade classmate, whose first name is “Faith”
received a diagnosis of cancer on Christmas Eve. The fifth one, also purple,
promotes autism awareness and was given to me by my daughter Katie, who works
for The Autism Program in Springfield, during April which is Autism Awareness
Month. These bands have been on my wrist for so long that I barely notice them
anymore, and as they are slightly smaller than my hand they don’t come off
easily, so it was quite a shock last Wednesday evening when I realized that two
were missing.
After racking my brain and mentally retracing my steps I
realized that the two most likely places for them to have gone missing were at
my friend’s house when I stopped by to pick up a desk, or at Walmart when I
stopped by to pick up a couple of things I needed right after that. A quick
message to my friend yielded no results, and I didn’t have time to make an
extra trip to Walmart right away. So you can imagine my delight on Saturday evening
when my dear husband came home from Walmart and handed me the missing
wristbands. He had been out on an errand and stopped by the service desk to
check their lost and found box. I’m still not 100% certain how they made their
way off my wrist, but for now I’m very happy to have them back.
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