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This will by necessity be a short post, but I didn't want to wait any longer before posting it. So, without further ado, here are the custom ordered Christmas stockings that I finished for this year.
The first one I completed was the mate to the stocking in this post from last year:

Then I worked on a pair of stockings for two children, which were patterned after the stockings that were done for the parents by the mom's aunt many years ago:

In retrospect I wish I'd taken a photo of the two new stockings alongside the original ones that they were patterned after.
And I'm not done. I had someone ask me on Thanksgiving weekend (!) if I'd knit two more stockings like the ones I'd made for her a couple of years ago. I told her that I'd be more than happy to do the stockings but there was no possible way that I'd have them finished in time for Christmas. So, more than likely they'll be popping up on these pages sometime around Valentine's Day.
I can't believe it's already the 18th of January. Of course time has flown during the last six months of absolute craziness. I keep hoping that things will calm down at least to a dull roar, but so far that hasn't happened. I spent a good deal of the fall keeping very busy with craft fair preparations and some custom knitting orders.
Of course it goes without saying that the Christmas season was very busy, and just when I thought things might slow down I had to prepare to teach four knitting classes at Lincoln Land's Needle in a Haystack event on Saturday. Although there were huge concerns even as late as a week before that event that it wouldn't happen, people signed up like crazy during the final week and some even registered for classes on the day of the event. Overall it turned out to be a wonderful day, with a total of 19 classes offered as well as an awesome luncheon speaker.
In addition, with the coming of the new year I am back in the child care business in a small way. I was contacted in December by the family of a child who used to attend my daycare (she is six years old now!) and asked whether I would consider taking their new baby. After two weeks I am definitely enjoying having a baby around again, but missing a couple of things like daily yoga classes that just aren't possible with a two month old in tow.
Through it all I am naturally continuing to knit. I'm currently working on a baby blanket for a repeat customer which I'll deliver on Friday. I have a list of 23 potential knitting projects (some of which are multi-item projects) in my new iPhone, most of which can be made without the purchase of additional yarn (in other words I'm trying to reduce my stash bigtime). In my next post I'll add photos of the custom Christmas stockings that I knitted last year, and possibly the first of my FO's for 2011. Meanwhile I guess I need to get off the computer and get some of the aforementioned knitting finished.