Tuesday, December 23, 2008
The Last of This Year's Stockings
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Two Christmas Stockings
I am developing a photo catalog of all the fine gauge stockings I've made and the graphs for each one. Eventually I'll be able to have customers pick out various elements from the catalog to design their own. Meanwhile I'm about a third of the way through the second stocking of my second big stocking project of the year. By the time I finish this one (hopefully tomorrow) I think I'll be about stockinged out for a while.
Friday, December 5, 2008
Knitting Class
I emailed friends and plastered flyers around town, and ended up with -- ONE student! So she and I went through three weeks of Knitting 101 and simply had a blast. I had stated that the beginning class would cover casting on, knitting, purling, and binding off, but at the end of the third session my student was also increasing (knit in front and back), decreasing (knit 2 together), and yarning over. She said that she really enjoyed the class (as did I) and we are already making plans for another series of classes in January. I'm hoping that I'll be able to have more than one student per class for the next round.
We're also planning a "class field trip" to Enticements for the end of January (and maybe a few other stores in the area). She didn't realize that there was a yarn store in Decatur, even though her parents live there, but I read about Enticements in another friend's blog here. I'm hoping that my other friend who got me started teaching will also be able to go on the trip.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Two More Etsy Sales
I was able to relist the fisherman stocking immediately because I had another one already made up.
The sock monkey stocking was the only one of its kind that I had on hand, so I won't be making any more of those this year.
If I could just have a couple more sales days like this it would really help the budgetary crisis immensely. Now if I could just get caught up with my special order stuff we'd be good to go. For some reason I always have many more knitting projects than I have time to do them all. To quote the image from one of my favorite tote bags, "So much yarn, so little time..."
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Katie and Doug's wedding
Other than that, the ceremony was lovely, the decorations were awesome, and there has never been a more beautiful bride. My sister drove all the way from Florida to attend the wedding, and her planning expertise was invaluable at the rehearsal and during the actual ceremony. It was also awesome to get to spend some time with family during the weekend.
I'd like to say that things should calm down now, but with Christmas coming in about three and a half weeks it doesn't seem likely that it will work out that way.
Friday, November 28, 2008
Ring Bearer Pillow
My mom sewed the pillow and put a strap on the bottom because she thought it would be easier for Kindon to carry that way.
We'll see how he does with it.
Friday, November 21, 2008
First Etsy Sale!
Here is the photo I had posted:
Here's hoping that I'll have many more sales soon.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
My New Etsy Site
Go check it out at www.theknitlady.etsy.com.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
My Latest Prayer Shawl
Later on we went to choir rehearsal, and Kindon went along. I had brought along an old "Wee Sing" book for him so he would have his own "music". He walked in like he owned the place, sat right down, opened up his music, and sang along with the adult choir. Maybe soon we'll have to teach him to read music.
Here is the prayer shawl that we delivered. It was made from a full skein of JoAnn Sensations Rainbow Boucle.
So one down, and three more in the pipeline. For some reason I never get quite caught up.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Snowball Hat
This is the result. I think it came out pretty cute. But I HATE making bobbles! Maybe I'll just write down the pattern and sell it instead of making any more hats.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008
How Sweet the Sound!
What a special and unexpected lift to my day!
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Kindon's New Conveyance
The first day that I got the trailer assembled, we went to the Muni Band concert on the square. Here's Kindon in the trailer for his first ride:
I was pleasantly surprised at how easy it was to pull the trailer with the bike. Kindon seemed to enjoy it as well. He was obviously tired that evening, and at one point he went back and laid down across the seat of the trailer to rest. After a while he got back up and listened to the rest of the music before we headed for home. I've had him out in the trailer a couple of times since then and really enjoy it.
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Kindon at Church
Every time that Pastor Jeff or the congregation said "Amen" Kindon would say "Amen." The second time he said it I heard a lady behind us whisper "Good boy!". The children's sermon was about the loaves and fishes, and Pastor Jeff passed out Dixie cups with seven goldfish crackers in each one. Kindon came back to the pew, scarfed up the crackers, and handed me the empty cup, saying, "Hungy, Amma!" Fortunately I had packed a snack container of Cheerios so he munched on Cheerios through most of the rest of the service.
At one point Mike sneezed, and Kindon whispered "Bess you, Bapa." Mike didn't reply, so Kindon said "Bess you, Bapa! Bess you, Bapa!" I guess now Mike knows that he'd better respond the first time. Then when the offering was collected, Kindon chucked his book into the offering plate. I guess he didn't totally get the concept but it was close enough.
After church we went home and had lunch. Then I washed and changed Kindon and took him in to lie down for a nap. He wasn't thrilled about the nap idea and started fussing, "I want to go to church! I want to go to church!" Maybe we'll get to take him again next Sunday
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
What we did on our summer vacation
We had a pretty good vacation overall. Other than we had thunderstorms four of the seven nights we camped and one night the tornado siren went off. And the mosquitoes were big enough to carry off a small child. Altogether we rode a total of about 57 miles during the week. On our third bike ride (on Thursday) I had an unfortunate encounter with a railroad crossing and some gravel and thought that I had broken my knee. Of course we were nine miles from the campground at that point so I had to get back on the bike and ride back to Marseilles, injured knee and all.
Aside from all that it was a fabulous trip! We just have never quite mastered the art of the uneventful vacation.
Friday, April 25, 2008
Hooray! They Have Set a Date!
Now the fun begins! Katie already has her wedding dress picked out, but still needs to order it. She has looked at bridesmaid's dresses several times but hasn't found just the right thing yet. And of course there will be a myriad of other plans, choices, and decisions to be made. And this will be my one and only chance to be "mother of the bride" so I guess I need to be figuring out what I need to do as well.
Right now November seems so far away, but I'm sure that it will be here before we know it. On the one hand I can't believe that my little girl is already planning a wedding, and on the other hand, I can't believe that it's taken them so long to set a date. Ah, the perils of motherhood!
Monday, April 21, 2008
Whole Lotta Shakin' Going On!
I was rather amused on Friday afternoon to read a story in the Alton Telegraph online. Apparently a school administrator at South Roxana Elementary decided that in light of the earthquake it would be expeditious to conduct an earthquake drill during the morning. Imagine the consternation of everyone involved when, halfway through the five-minute drill, the 4.5 magnitude aftershock arrived! The principal was quoted later as saying that it made him a little nervous about planning a tornado drill.
Here's hoping that the next few days don't bring us anything quite this interesting.
Friday, April 18, 2008
Shake, Rattle, and Roll!!
Then of course there was the aftershock at 10:16. I had gone to a yoga class with our neighbors, and after class we were standing around and discussing our experiences of the early morning, when the walls of the dance studio began to shake, and the vase of flowers on the table began to dance (how appropriate, after all!).
I'm thankful that we had no damage here, or even any falling objects (if you are familiar with the current state of my housekeeping you realize that there is great potential there!). And I'm reminded that I STILL need to get busy on assembling my emergency kit.
I remember in the late 80's when Iben Browning predicted that the New Madrid Fault would produce a severe earthquake on a certain date in early December. Anthony, our youngest son, was just over 3 years old at the time. On the day of the predicted earthquake, he donned an old sailor hat from my uncle's Navy days, and insisted on wearing it all day "for protection from falling objects". It must have worked well since nothing fell on his head. Wonder where the sailor hat is now??
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Exciting News!
We'll be leaving from Springfield on Thursday evening, July 17, and returning on Saturday evening, July 19. Peter Yarrow of Peter, Paul, and Mary is the keynote speaker on Friday. There will be many sessions covering all aspects of family child care, from the basics all the way to national credentials and accreditation. I can't wait to get there!
Saturday, March 15, 2008
My Latest Knitting Project: an original baby blanket
Monday, March 10, 2008
An Actual Post About Knitting
I've been knitting since the age of nine. When I was ten I knitted a blue sweater which I actually wore a few times before I outgrew it. During high school I started taking my knitting to school, where I first knitted in study hall and then eventually started knitting during classes. The first Christmas that I was married I made an afghan for my new in-laws, which impressed them to no end. When I was first pregnant, I knitted an outfit and a sweater set and crocheted a blanket which I used to bring each of my three sons home from the hospital. (Katie never wore the coming-home outfit since she was born at home.) Over the years there have been times when I knitted quite a bit and other times when I hardly knitted at all. The past several years I've been in a pretty much constant knitting phase again. My kids tease me about knitting in my sleep (I really don't!) and knitting while I'm reading, but they all like the hand-knitted socks that they receive occasionally for Christmas or other special occasions. My daughter Katie once introduced me to a friend that she had brought home as "my mom who is a knitaholic". (Katie knows how to knit, too, but she rarely admits it any more.) And everyone who knows me knows that I don't like to drive because it cuts into my knitting time.
I've had many people comment to me that they "don't have the patience" to knit. Well, I'd have to say that in all honesty I don't have the patience to NOT knit. I find that I am much calmer and more focused with knitting in my hands than without; therefore the knitting goes with me almost everywhere I go. It's a great stress reliever under less than ideal circumstances and I've learned to keep a bag packed with some sort of project at all times, in case of emergencies. This habit served me well when Mike had his heart attack, as I grabbed the knitting bag on my way out the door to the hospital. When we got him home three days later and I unpacked the bag, I had 14 dishcloths finished. So I managed my stress levels while simultaneously adding to my craft show stock. It doesn't get much more efficient than that!
The only thing I haven't figured out yet is how to knit while I'm blogging.
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
A Brief Taste of Spring
Last Sunday we had "sunny and warmer" in all its glory. The high temperature hit 78 degrees, all of the residual snow piles and the ice in our driveway melted away, and the sun shone brightly on our smiling faces. We spent hours outside on Sunday afternoon doing long overdue yard work and soaking up the sunshine.
Unfortunately our one "spring" day was nothing but a cruel hoax, as it cooled off dramatically and rained all day yesterday, and today we were "blessed" with six inches of the fluffy white stuff again. Winter has struck again with a vengeance and it is all the more difficult after the brief taste of spring we were teased with on Sunday.
Please let spring come soon!
Monday, February 25, 2008
Help! The Ceiling Is Falling!!
We are very thankful that the ceiling didn't fall five minutes earlier when Kindon would have been underneath it and could have been seriously injured by falling tiles/gridwork. Maybe now things could just calm down a little bit and not be so interesting for a while.......please, God?
Friday, February 22, 2008
The World's Cutest Grandson

Last year at Christmas he was really a little young to "get" the idea of presents, but we thought surely this year at 2 1/2 he would grasp the concept. However, we were very surprised when he showed absolutely no interest whatsoever in opening any packages at all. We got together on Christmas Day at my parents' house, and after a sumptuous dinner it was time to open presents. Kindon had a stack of packages but was completely uninterested in any of them. Repeated efforts throughout the day failed to entice him to see what might be inside any of the pretty packages. Finally, very late in the afternoon, we were able to convince him to open one package which came from my sister in Florida. The package contained a gift card holder which played music whenever he opened it, and that finally got his attention. He opened and shut the card numerous times until we were all thoroughly tired of hearing the repeated music. But despite his delight with this gift he still wasn't interested in opening any more packages. Eventually before he went home he managed to at least open everything.
There is never a dull moment when Kindon is around. A couple of weeks ago I was taking care of him for the day because Jeremy and Sara were both working. After a quick trip to the bathroom I looked around and he was nowhere to be seen. Upon further investigation I found him kneeling in the kitchen sink, happy as a clam and soaking wet, with the cold water running full force and the sink sprayer spraying water all over the kitchen. He wasn't very happy when I took him out of the sink, stripped his wet clothes off and dried him off. I put him in his spare clothes but didn't have a spare pair of socks for him so he had to go barefoot until I could get his wet clothes dried. Every few minutes he would come over to me and lift up his bare foot to remind me that he didn't have any socks on, and I would remind him that he was the one who got his socks wet in the first place. I have to give him points for creativity, though, since this was one thing that none of my four kids ever thought to do when they were little.
When Kindon was born, I told Jeremy that if he was as smart as Jeremy had been that he and Sara would definitely have their hands full. It appears that my prediction was correct, because Kindon is very smart, and he is indeed a handful at times. But he is a delightful little boy and he has brightened all of our lives more than I can say.
Did I mention that I love being a grandma?
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Why I Haven't Been Blogging
Okay, so it has been a couple of months since I actually posted a blog entry here. I haven't really forgotten to post, but life has been REALLY hectic for a while (even more than usual). Right after Thanksgiving I had a request from my grandson's mommy to knit Christmas stockings for her niece and nephews. She picked out the patterns and I bought the yarn, and I thought we were good. Unfortunately along with everything else going on, it took a lot longer than I had expected to get the stockings done, so I was knitting every spare moment right up until Christmas Eve.
Meanwhile, my Aunt Pat had fallen and broken her hip at the beginning of December. Due to pre-existing medical issues she wasn't able to have surgery immediately to repair her hip, and her condition rapidly deteriorated. Unfortunately she passed away in early January.
Right after Christmas I left for a week on a mission trip with three other members of my church, along with my brother, Ron. We had an incredible week doing drywall finishing, painting, and cleanup at two houses in Slidell, LA, which had been heavily damaged during Hurricane Katrina. An awesome experience, but, again, not much time for blogging.
Then just as I thought things were going to calm down and be reasonable again (I'm not sure why I ever think that any more), my dear husband Mike suffered a serious heart attack on Super Tuesday, right after voting. (I think that definitely says something about our choices in this election!) He was transported to Carlinville Area Hospital for initial treatment before being transferred to St. John's Hospital in Springfield. During catheterization it was determined that he had a 90% blockage of one major artery in the heart and a stent was placed at that time. The Springfield doctor said that the excellent emergency treatment he received in Carlinville did much to reduce the severity and long-term consequences of the attack. He was released from the hospital on Friday, February 8, and has been doing very well ever since.
So now that I've pretty much given up on the idea of my life ever being calm and under control, I decided that the first thing I needed to do was get the blog going again. I still have lots of cool knitting tales and grandson stories to share, and one of these days I'll actually figure out how to post photos here too.
Meanwhile, Mike's doctors have said that it's important to have plenty of fiber, so I guess I need to go buy yarn.