Well, after two posts fairly close together at the beginning, I've been reminded that it is now close to two weeks since I have posted. And how on earth did it get to be December already?? Didn't we just have Easter a couple months ago? Of course it's been pretty hectic around here, but what else is new?? There certainly has been a lot of blog fodder going on in my life, from how we spent Thanksgiving to my craft shows and knitting projects, not to mention the latest adventures in the life of the world's cutest grandson (I promise I'll have photos of Kindon up soon). However, after Thanksgiving weekend and all the accompanying commotion, I got up on Monday morning with a serious case of brain mush. I think I just went on overload, because I couldn't remember half of what I needed to be doing, couldn't focus enough to get some of my complex (and very time-specific) knitting projects started, and basically didn't accomplish a thing all week. Here's hoping that the coming week will be a little more productive.
I finished up my craft shows for the season on Thanksgiving weekend. I still have a lot of stuff left but don't really have the mental energy to try and find another craft show to do. So I guess I'll be inventorying, boxing things up, and storing them until next year. Next I have to get busy on the knitting projects that need to be done so that the people who are buying them can give me money (a good thing since I'm not generating other income right now). At this time I'm finishing up the toe on a Christmas stocking that I need to deliver on Wednesday, and I have orders for a "red" hat (with purple trim), a pair of white gloves with red flowers, and six more Christmas stockings (and a partridge in a pear tree, LOL). If I could just figure out how to knit and type at the same time, I'd be all set. And despite what my kids will tell you, there is no truth to the rumor that I actually knit in my sleep. If I did, there would be no issues with getting things done on time. :)
Until next time, stay warm and well.
Sunday, December 2, 2007
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