Tuesday, November 20, 2007

An Introduction to the Knitlady

I started this blog for family and friends to stay updated with the events in my life, and also to provide a forum to show my knitting projects.

I have been knitting since my mom taught me when I was nine years old. At various times in my life I didn't knit a lot, but now knitting has once again become a major part of my life. My daughter actually introduced me to one of her friends once as, "My mom, the knitaholic." I take my knitting with me to meetings, classes, conferences, and even Sunday School class. Over the years I've knitted everything from simple dishcloths and scarves to complex afghans and two lace tablecloths. I find knitting to be relaxing and very enjoyable as well as allowing an outlet for my creative energies. More recently I have also been knitting prayer shawls, and I'm attempting to get a prayer shawl ministry group started at my church.

Now that I'm mostly unemployed (long story for another post) I've been knitting lots of things to sell at craft fairs in the area. This coming weekend I'll be doing a craft fair in Jerseyville on Saturday from 8 to 3 at the Holy Ghost School, and another one on Sunday in New Douglas at the community center from 1 to 4. I also plan to upload photos of my work to this blog so that people who aren't close enough to attend my craft fairs can see what I have to offer.

I welcome comments and feedback from everyone. I'm anxious to hear back from people so that I know someone is actually seeing the blog.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well done! I'm sure you'll enjoy doing this.
