Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Countdown to YarnFest

Exactly six weeks from today, assuming all goes as planned (and most likely even if it doesn't), I'll arrive at the Embassy Suites in Loveland, Colorado, to check in and get settled before the Interweave YarnFest begins on Thursday March 30. I will then spend the next four days immersed in classes on knitting sideways cables, writing patterns, and several aspects of spinning different kinds of yarn.

When I first learned that I had been selected as a scholarship recipient (one of five nationally) to attend YarnFest, I was simultaneously overjoyed, incredulous, and a little bit terrified. Although I had worked very diligently to complete the scholarship application to the very best of my ability, in my heart of hearts I never really quite believed that I could possibly be chosen as a recipient.

Over the past four months I have been working on preparations for my YarnFest adventure in a more or less random manner; with six weeks remaining it is now time to approach the preparation in a much more orderly and systematic manner. I have lists of items which need to be procured, items to be packed, projects which need to be knitted (including one that I have yet to finish designing), tasks to prepare the car for safely driving on such a long trip, and even a list of the lists I need to compile.

As this is likely a once in a lifetime adventure for me, I want to prepare as well and thoroughly as possible for all eventualities, so that when I arrive my mental energy might be freed up to focus on soaking every drop of learning, networking, making of new friends, and FUN that is to be had. Consequently I'm walking a fine line between the OCD of exquisite preparation and the flexibility to relax and “let it go” when things don't turn out precisely as planned.

So, with that I'm off to tweak my preparation lists for such items as Knitting Projects, Class Preparations, Purchasing Lists, Packing Lists, Vehicle Preparation, Readiness Timeline, etc, etc. I covet your prayers for wisdom and discernment in the lists and the process, for safe travel, and for peace of mind as I continue to prepare for the adventure of a lifetime.

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