Sunday, November 28, 2010

Remote Control Pizza

In September, my youngest son moved to Bullhead City, Arizona to be with his girlfriend who had gone out there to accept an exciting new job. Although he is a marvelously skilled mechanic he has yet to find a job out there, so he has been doing a lot of the cooking and (hopefully!) other household chores.

Yesterday he called me to ask about the necessary ingredients for my homemade pizza crust recipe. We chatted for a while, and then I emailed him the actual recipe after I got home from my craft fair.

A couple of hours later, he called me again with a question about measuring cups. I answered that question to his satisfaction (and he added a set of dry ingredient measuring cups to his next shopping list) and then as I heard rummaging noises over the phone, he commented, "Oh, wow, I don't think we have a rolling pin either."

I thought about it for a moment, then asked, "Do you have an empty beer bottle you could scrub and use instead?"

"Well, no, but I could have one in about two minutes," he replied, laughing. "You know, Mom, it's scary but I was actually thinking about that exact same thing when you mentioned it."

I agreed, and we chatted a while longer, discussing his plans for the pizza. Instead of our regular recipe using tomato sauce, onions, peppers, mushrooms, sausage, pepperoni, and cheese (and sometimes black and/or green olives) he was planning to use chicken and an Alfredo type sauce with mostly Parmesan cheese. He also was going to try making a stuffed crust. Then he commented that he should probably quit talking and start cooking and hung up.

Later I got an email saying that the pizza turned out well and they both liked it. It doesn't get much better than that!

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