Wednesday, September 29, 2010

I'm Definitely Not Keeping Up!

On Monday I posted about my Double Hearts blanket and that a couple of people had asked me to knit a blanket using that pattern for them. I was able to deliver the first completed blanket last Thursday, and started on the second soon afterward. On Monday evening I attended a Ladies' Night Out event at my mom's church, taking my knitting along (of course!), and one of the ladies in attendance at the church event requested that I knit a blanket for her as well. So instead of being almost caught up (I will finish the current blanket either tomorrow or Friday) I'm now a full blanket behind again.

I did manage to complete the designated hat of the day for Monday - a size small topknot hat. The Tuesday hat, a large pumpkin, didn't get finished last night so I'm scrambling to finish that up today. The Wednesday hat will once again be a smaller size since the small ones seem to be the most I can manage in the same day with the requisite blanket knitting. And as I STILL haven't figured out how to knit and type simultaneously, it's time to close this post and get back to the knitting part.

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